Running and Therapy Research, Participants wanted!

After a busy few months writing and re-writing my research question, designing and re-designing my questionnaire, it is now ready for participants. And a big thank you to all those who have helped me pilot the questionnaire.

My research question explores the relationship between running and therapy from the views of therapists and clients; It is ” A Breath of Fresh Air: Therapist and Client Experiences of the relationship between running and therapy”  I am using the term client for anyone who runs for mental health or physical health, and has an interest in running as therapy, and for all therapists who have an interest in this topic, whether this be professionally and/or personally.

There are many stories in the media about the benefits of running for mental and physical health, and many personal stories and experiences are shared on social media. I am excited to read your responses, which are anonymous and no personal details are asked for,  and (as far as i can establish from my literature review) this will be first study which seeks to collate lived experiences on running and therapy.

Thank you for your support and interest; I believe this is a breath of fresh in research and running.  Please do get in touch if you have any further questions. My questionnaire can be accessed here and I can also send out via email if you prefer.


The link can be opened in a new tab as well here  and will be accepting responses until 20th November.

sunset men sunrise jogging
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